
First things first

In order to communicate with an EOEditingContext through a web service, the first step is to create a Java object to wrap it, say BAEditingContext.java. Mine, looks like:
public class BAEditingContext {
public EOEditingContext eoec;
public BAEditingContext() {
eoec = new EOEditingContext();
public String test(){
return eoec.toString();

We can check that initialisation was correct through the test method (recall how to publish a method in Consuming Calculator): add a line of the form
NSLog(@"eoec = %@",[BAEditingContextService test]);
and you will receive in your console something like
... eoec = com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOEditingContext@998537

The question now is: how to consume Enterprise Objects?
as serialised objects?
as dictionaries?

Let us see how does EOCustomObject traverses the service...