
My PowerBook died

After fighting with the installation of GNUstep, and just before the national summit of combinatorics in Hermosillo, Sonora, my old Power Book suicide by dropping itself from my bed to the floor...
Since I had to give a talk during the summit, I'd run to the shop and bought a new Intel 2.4 MacBook. While reinstalling everything in it, I received a nice link in the EOF mail-list at omnigroup: GNUstepWeb.
A nice installer with compiled binaries for Tiger and Leopard can be found there at the time, and after an easy install procedure, an Xcode template for a web-app can be found by the new-project wizard... however I tried the link today but, either the server is down, or the page disappear, or something went wrong... so I decided to share the Leopard version in my public folder: MyGNUstepWeb.
The next step is to code a Sybase adaptor...