
Cannot publish an EOEditingContext

While publishing, trough a WebService, an EOEditingContext (or a "son" of it), and trying to get the description of the service via

Szamitogep# /Developer/Tools/WSMakeStubs
-x ObjC
-name BAEditingContext

I got the following error:
- The class java.lang.Class is defined in a java or javax package and cannot be converted into an xml schema type. An xml schema anyType will be used to define this class in the wsdl file.
- The class com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOKeyValueUnarchiver does not contain a default constructor, which is a requirement for a bean class. The class cannot be converted into an xml schema type...
- The class java.lang.Number is defined in a java or javax package and cannot be converted into an xml schema type...
- The class com.webobjects.foundation.NSNotification does not contain a default constructor, which is a requirement for a bean class. The class cannot be converted into an xml schema type...
- The class java.lang.Throwable is defined in a java or javax package and cannot be converted into an xml schema type...

(o sea de que como quien dice)

Let us try by wrapping it...